Changes to my study programme

Well, firstly in relation with the curriculum, until now all the subjects I liked, but I would like to have some subjects in relation with sociology and anthropology because these social sciences are very connected with psychology that's my career, inclusive before the curriculum had subjects like this. On the other hand, I would like the artistics, sports and cultural subjects would in on-site form, especially the sport one, in relation with that I like the dance course and I would love to be in a course like that, for example one of zumba or entertaining dance, I think subjects like that help to mental and physical health.

Secondly, in relation with the workload and length of studies, I wouldn't change the length of studies but with the workload sometimes is too much, with the readings maybe is for my own organization but sometimes it is impossible to arrive with all the texts read, so I think I would change in some subjects the number pages to be less.

In relation with the faculty facilities like the buildings and infrastructure, I think I would change the green areas I would put more of them, and I think is good idea put signs in relation with the location like "the puente of FACSO", "Calama", or something like this, because when I was in the campus for the first time, I have to question to the officials to know where I was or where to go. Also I think it would be nice, the recycling bins will operate, because earlier I saw that bins aren't operating this semester.

Lastly, in relation to use of technology and teaching methods, the mostly of my classes are in the aularios and are very technological so I don't would change nothing in relation with the classes space, on the other hand with the teaching methods I like the most of my subjects, except for english just for the hour of classes is too early so, I would change the class time, currently we have classes at 08:30 AM, I would change for the 10:00 AM or 11:AM, because the traffic jam it's too much at that hour. 


  1. hi!! I agree with the class time of the english... for first time I like the classes but would be better if the class is 10 am (also... there is people live far away, like me..)

  2. I would also change the English schedule thinking of the students in the region, at that time there is a lot of traffic and it is difficult to be on time.


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